Autumn Leaves Fall Softly

Even though we had a light snowfall this week, there are still many leaves to shuffle through as we walk down a street or sidewalk, as friends and I did in Paris, Ontario, this past Sunday. Fall, or autumn, as it's also called, takes us from summer to winter in a relatively short space of time, it seems. And so, as I think of the leaves, I'll share this poem I wrote in a poetry challenge with Poetic Bloomings Leaf Falls Softly No imprint when you land on grass and sidewalk or when blown about by wind and sodden by rain there’s a forgiving softness in your landing a hush before winter’s coming The only time you make a sound is crunching crispy under people’s feet and children’s play in piles of leaves. Enjoy the colours, the sound of leaves and pull out your warm jackets, hats and mittens. Boots too. Enjoy the outdoors as you're able. Announcing my poetry collection, Travelling Light . A light-hearted look a...