Carefree as the Wind

Carefree as the wind that blows today, I share this poem just for fun, one of my own inventions.
I grew up on a farm where we had a long washline where we put the clothes out to dry, even in winter. Diapers came in stiff as a board to soften when the cloth warmed, and then we folded them. They always smelled so fresh.

This is a poem for summer or fall on a breezy day. Can you picture the pants and shirts, hung next to each other?

Perhaps one day I'll find a photo that matches, but for today, just the words.

Clothesline Dance

Clothespins hold a shirt tail to a pant leg,
jacket hem to a dress strap,
pillow case to a towel;
and six socks
one pin per sock

They catch the wind   inflate
dance and sway

when I unclip them
bring them indoors
they smell like the carefree wind

© Carolyn R. Wilker


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