When Autumn Arrives

Autumn brings with it the smell of a changing season, leaves turning colour and falling to the ground.
One of my favourite poems is "Indian Summer" by William Wilfred Campbell. In grade school we did memory work and  this was one I remembered easily. I've always liked the pictures it evokes and the rhythm of the lines.

Along the line of smoky hills
The crimson forest stands...
Read more here.

Now I'll share my own poem that speaks of the season:


Autumn weaves itself into summer nights
ushers in cool air
the first chance it gets

changes greens to splendid reds and yellows
nips the roses still in bud
steals kisses from the sun

Autumn whispers to migrating birds
encourages squirrels to fill
their homes with food

Autumn slips in so skillfully that
it’s hard to tell
just when summer ended and autumn began

All poetry shared here, unless otherwise noted, is my own work.


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