Ah, and here comes spring

Narcissus in my flowerbeds

Here come the flowers, the springtime beauties, narcissus, daffodils, crocus—all signs of spring in our northern hemisphere.

I can't remember a time when I didn't like spring. Plants poking their stems through the ground, the smell of an April wind, seeing the early spring flowers, and one of my favourites, the yearly trip to the bush on or about Mother's Day, Maybe the only thing I didn't like particularly was the mud that came with spring rains. 

And yet, even the rain that made the mud, when there was enough of it, was refreshing. Imagine the rain coming down in huge drops. 

I watched one day from inside my car while waiting in a parking lot to attend a meeting. The rain had come up quite quickly and I decided, rather than getting soaked to the skin before the meeting that I'd wait it out where I was. 

I watched as the released moisture from the cloud danced all around me. Here's a poem of mine, inspired by the rain that day, that was published by Tower Poetry ( 2006*). Without the rain, how would the flowers grow so beautiful?

Finally, it rains

A cloud bursts its liquid load 

large drops

pat a pat on my car roof

 splat and slide
       down the windshield slope
            where dutiful wipers whisk them away
                  to bounce off window ledges
                       dance on the hood
  a car wash without the suds


rain runs …
                   a stream against the curb

and parched earth
          slurps up long-awaited moisture

*Tower Poetry Summer Edition 2006 Vol. 55  No. 1
copyright Carolyn R. Wilker


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