The Ferris Wheel

Summer turns to fall, it seems, in the blink of an eye. We had a cooler summer and then a warm fall. Autumn has been a time of fall fairs, growth slowing in the garden, but we still have carrots in the veggie garden and some last tiny tomatoes ripening in early October.

Today's poem calls up images of fall fairs and midways and people gathering. I don't have images of the midway, but I do have some of displays inside the arena.

Ferris wheels are part of most midways and today I share my poem, Ferris Wheels.

The Ferris Wheel

The wheel goes round and round
carrying anyone who can take
the rocking
the altitude
anyone with time on their hands
and nickels to spare

If this wheel could travel
how far would it go?
what sights would they see?

Instead they travel up and around
filling the air with shrieks
even the silence of the awed.

They end in the same place they began
no wiser for the experience
no richer for the amusement
more light in their eyes for the daring


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