Imagine yourself in a restaurant
Go ahead and do it. Imagine sitting in a room with many tables, all set with fresh white tablecloths, plates, glasses of water sent in place, and cutlery lined up neatly. And you sit patiently until the wait staff comes for your order.
This is where my imagination took me:
In a restaurant
Ice clinks in full glasses of water
waiters set tables
the cutlery
loud against china plates
I hear a sound an orchestra starting up
tuning at the conductor’s baton
I pick up the napkin
and pen from my pocket
and begin to write
Not like Bach or Beethoven
writing with quill and ink
on their elegant white sleeves
but on a napkin its finish bruised
by a quick wipe
wrinkled though barely
by the narrow escape of a plate set
next to a goblet of water
on a table covered in white
The only sound in my head
is the symphony of words
coming together
coupling rhyming
assonance and consonance
multiplied vowels
forming a rhythm
a poem a song
or a delightful story
And the world waits for the final flourish
Carolyn Wilker
Tower Poetry Summer 2021
Volume 70 No. 1
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