Costumes and Treats



Halloween night, when I was growing up in rural Ontario was quite different than kids roaming the streets in the city looking  for treats.

For us, we had to wait until Dad was done his chores in the barn, milking cows and feeding the cattle, chickens, pigs and gathering eggs. Here's a look into our Halloween.

Costumes and Treats

Come Halloween night

there were no store-bought costumes

we rummaged our parents' closet

for the real 

           the ridiculous

          the unusual

and came up with the usual

Mom's dress   a string of costume jewelry

Dad's coveralls, clean from the wash

a handkerchief stuffed in the front pocket;


fresh child faces without a mask

we could be someone else

 without hiding the real us

a small bad for treats

and we waited 'til evening chores were done

There were never tricks

Mrs. B. always asked us to sing for our treats

I don't remember the songs we sang

on a cold October night

only the smell of fresh baking

spread on the table before us

and the warmth of her country kitchen


in a day we could do that.

Tower Poetry


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